Terms of reference Benelux IDRO - ID issuing for emobility

The purpose of an ID Registration Organisation (IDRO) is to supply IDs with a national country code for e-Mobility Service Providers (MSP), Charge Point Operators (CPO) and location owners – a subcategory of CPOs. The Benelux IDRO assigns the first 5 characters of ID codes for e-mobility on behalf of Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands, to identify Charge Point Operators and Mobility Service Providers.

Purpose of the ID code

  • Unique IDs for organisations that manage charge stations (Charge Point Operators) or offer charge services to EV drivers (Mobility Service Providers) are needed to identify these organisations for international billing and data exchange.
  • The unique IDs from charge point operators are also used with the data provision through a National Access Point to connect the data of a charge station to its operator.
  • These unique IDs are also used in all kind of navigation systems to find the right charge points.  

General terms and conditions

Who can request an ID code

  1. MSPs, CPOs and/or location owners can request an ID when they have a proven legal entity. A legal entity is defined as a natural or legal person. A location owner is defined as the entity who owns the charging points to be identified with the ID.


  1. A natural or legal person shall request its first ID for the country where they are legally based.
  1. A natural or legal person that requests an ID may be legally based in a different country than where the ID is requested.
  1. An ID code can be applied through the Benelux IDRO website. The webform should be completed before submitting. Submitting the webform means the applicant agrees with the general terms and conditions. If an application does not comply with the general terms and conditions for requests, the Benelux IDRO may refuse to assign an ID code.
  1. EVSE IDs (IDs for charge points) can be used in other countries, as it is only an identifier. Any laws or regulations that might be applicable can be based on the country location of an EVSE and should not be based on the country code. The Benelux IDRO allows EVSE IDs from other Member States.
  1. A natural or legal person can request several IDs. If the organisational set up of a company requires the issuing of more IDs this may be allowed by Benelux IDRO, after consultation of its Members.
  1. Companies that are both MSP and CPO need 2 IDs: a provider ID for the MSP role and the identification of EV Driver contracts and an operator ID for the CPO role to identify charge points. This can be the same string of characters, as the different purpose of the code is specified via the ‘Type character’ in the codes. That string of characters must remain unique to the company. An identical ID cannot be given to one Mobility Service Provider (MSP) and another CPO belonging to different organisations.
  1. The Benelux IDRO ensures the assignment of an unique ID code to a company. Distinction between the CPO and MSP roles of the company can be made through the type character in the format of the ID code.


  1. The Benelux IDRO may ask a cost covering fee to supply and maintain the codes. This can be a one-time fee and/or yearly fee. ID Registration Organisations are free to do this as long as it is clearly mentioned to the applicant of an ID.
  1. The Benelux IDRO requests a registration fee per request of one or several ID code(s) and an annual fee per applicant for administrative and maintenance costs.
  1. The fee cannot be reimbursed.


  1. Provider ID and Operator ID are only valid when published on the website of the Benelux IDRO website. Other IDs may not be used.   


  1. After payment, the requested code will be published on the website of the Benelux IDRO. This will be done within 10 business days after submission of the online form. The ID will remain valid and its registration will be upheld for an unlimited time frame. If the annual fee has not been made in due time, the ID code will be removed from the website and lose its validity. In such case, the Benelux IDRO will cancel the ID, ex officio. The applicant can cancel the ID with a notice of three months.
  1. An ID code cannot be sold to third parties. An ID can only be transferred by the applicant with permission of the Benelux IDRO.
  1. Any additional terms, obligations or information can be added to these terms of reference after approval of the Benelux IDRO. All organisations concerned will be informed of any changes to the general terms and conditions.

General Data Protection Regulation

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Benelux General Secretariat
Rue de la Régence, 39 – 1000 Brussels
